HORARIO LUNES - VIERNES 09.00 - 21.00 h


Take advantage of the most precious gift life has to offer!

At Clínica Dr. Tirado, we believe that every moment of your existence deserves to be experienced with clarity and clarity.

Imagine for a moment… those golden sunsets that get lost in the horizon, the smiles of your loved ones when they are by your side, the little details that make every day a unique adventure. Now, visualize living those moments effortlessly, without limitations, with a newly restored vision.

We are committed to providing you with an extraordinary experience from the first moment you walk through our doors.

The time for a clearer, brighter life is now. Don’t let waterfalls cloud your most precious days. Fill out our contact form and let us be part of your story. Together we will clear the way for a future full of vision and excitement.

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    What is the Cataract Operation like?


    The patient will be asked for a blood test including coagulation times.

    A biomedical study will be performed where the exact measurements of the lens will be taken.

    Different tests will be performed prior to surgery.

    A few drops of anesthetic will be applied.

    And very light sedation.

    Cataract Surgery

    It is aquick and painless surgery .

    In addition, you will be able to have cataract surgery without it being mature, allowing you to eliminate the use of glasses.

    After Surgery

    After the surgery, you will be taken to our recovery room for a short period of time and then you can go home.

    The day after the surgery, you will visit the office for a small check-up.

    In just 48 hours he will be able to lead a practically normal life.

    Can I have surgery on both eyes at the same time?

    At Clínica Dr. Tirado we always recommend that surgery is performed on one eye and at least a week for the next one. However, in our clinic we have the most advanced technology allowing us to operate both eyes on the same day.

    Eliminates both cataracts and the use of glasses at the same time.

    What do our patients think?

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    Do you want to solve your cataract problem? Contact us.

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